Terugbetaal- en retourneringsbeleid

This is a sam­ple page.


Our refund and returns poli­cy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have pas­sed sin­ce your pur­cha­se, we can’t offer you a full refund or exchange.

To be eli­gi­ble for a return, your item must be unu­sed and in the same con­di­ti­on that you recei­ved it. It must also be in the ori­gi­nal packaging.

Seve­r­al types of goods are exempt from being retur­ned. Peri­s­ha­ble goods such as food, flo­wers, news­pa­pers or maga­zi­nes can­not be retur­ned. We also do not accept pro­ducts that are inti­ma­te or sani­ta­ry goods, hazar­dous mate­ri­als, or flam­ma­ble liquids or gases.

Addi­ti­o­nal non-retur­na­ble items:

  • Gift cards
  • Down­lo­a­da­ble soft­wa­re products
  • Some health and per­so­nal care items

To com­ple­te your return, we requi­re a receipt or proof of purchase.

Plea­se do not send your pur­cha­se back to the manufacturer.

The­re are cer­tain situ­a­ti­ons whe­re only par­ti­al refunds are granted:

  • CD, DVD, VHS tape, soft­wa­re, video game, cas­set­te tape, or vinyl record that has been opened.
  • Any item not in its ori­gi­nal con­di­ti­on, is dama­ged or mis­sing parts for rea­sons not due to our error.
  • Any item that is retur­ned more than 30 days after delivery


Once your return is recei­ved and inspec­ted, we will send you an email to noti­fy you that we have recei­ved your retur­ned item. We will also noti­fy you of the appro­val or rejec­ti­on of your refund.

If you are appro­ved, then your refund will be pro­ces­sed, and a cre­dit will auto­ma­ti­cally be applied to your cre­dit card or ori­gi­nal method of pay­ment, within a cer­tain amount of days.

Late or mis­sing refunds

If you haven’t recei­ved a refund yet, first check your bank account again.

Then con­tact your cre­dit card com­pa­ny, it may take some time befo­re your refund is offi­ci­al­ly posted.

Next con­tact your bank. The­re is often some pro­ces­sing time befo­re a refund is posted.

If you’ve done all of this and you still have not recei­ved your refund yet, plea­se con­tact us at {email address}.

Sale items

Only regu­lar pri­ced items may be refun­ded. Sale items can­not be refunded.


We only repla­ce items if they are defec­ti­ve or dama­ged. If you need to exchan­ge it for the same item, send us an email at {email address} and send your item to: {phy­si­cal address}.


If the item was mar­ked as a gift when pur­cha­sed and ship­ped direct­ly to you, you’ll recei­ve a gift cre­dit for the value of your return. Once the retur­ned item is recei­ved, a gift cer­ti­fi­ca­te will be mai­led to you.

If the item wasn’t mar­ked as a gift when pur­cha­sed, or the gift giver had the order ship­ped to them­sel­ves to give to you later, we will send a refund to the gift giver and they will find out about your return.

Shipping returns

To return your pro­duct, you should mail your pro­duct to: {phy­si­cal address}.

You will be res­pon­si­ble for paying for your own ship­ping costs for returning your item. Ship­ping costs are non-refun­da­ble. If you recei­ve a refund, the cost of return ship­ping will be deduc­ted from your refund.

Depen­ding on whe­re you live, the time it may take for your exchan­ged pro­duct to reach you may vary.

If you are returning more expen­si­ve items, you may con­si­der using a track­a­ble ship­ping ser­vi­ce or pur­cha­sing ship­ping insu­ran­ce. We don’t gua­ran­tee that we will recei­ve your retur­ned item.

Need help?

Con­tact us for ques­ti­ons rela­ted to refunds and returns.